
准教授:溝川 藍




  1.  Mizokawa, A., Nakaya, M., & Nomura, A. (2024). Young children’s responses to social-conventional transgressions in Japanese preschool settings. European Journal of Educational Research, 13(3), 1019-1029.
  2. Symeonidou, M., Mizokawa, A., Kabaya, S., Doherty, M., & Ross, J. (2023). Contrasting one’s share of the shared life space: Comparing the roles of metacognition and self-control in the development of theory of mind among Scottish and Japanese children. Developmental Science, 2023;e13417.
  3. Mizokawa, A. (2022). Japanese and British children’s understanding of the social function of pretend crying. Japanese Psychological Research, 64(1), 27-39.
  4. 溝川 藍 (2021). 児童期における失敗場面でのほめ言葉に対する反応 教育心理学研究, 69(4), 410-420.
  5. Mizokawa, A. & Hamana, M. (2020). Relationship of Theory of Mind and maternal emotional expressiveness with aggressive behaviours in young Japanese children: A gender-differentiated effect. Infant and Child Development, 2020;29:e2196.
  6. 溝川 藍・子安増生 (2020). 国際経験と批判的思考態度が法・道徳意識に及ぼす影響 心理学研究, 90(6), 562-571.
  7. Mizokawa, A. (2018). Association between children’s theory of mind and responses to insincere praise. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:1684.
  8. 溝川 藍 (2018). 「日本の発達心理学」の発信:社会的文脈の中の子ども探究 発達心理学研究, 29(4), 172-180.
  9. Mizokawa, A. & Lecce, S. (2017). Sensitivity to criticism and theory of mind: A cross cultural study on Japanese and Italian children. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14(2), 159-171.
  10. 溝川 藍 (2013). 『幼児期・児童期の感情表出の調整と他者の心の理解』 ナカニシヤ出版.

